- From: Doerthe Arndt <doerthe.arndt@tu-dresden.de>
- Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 09:56:01 +0000
- To: "tim.duval11@gmail.com" <tim.duval11@gmail.com>
- CC: "public-n3-dev@w3.org" <public-n3-dev@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <63728924-D18E-4C3E-8EFD-C53DB0E8C1B3@tu-dresden.de>
Dear Tim, all, Greetings N3 Community! Upon reading Doerthe's dissertation a few months back, I immediately joined the group, read everything I could find on the topic and have since become an N3 evangelist!! Thank you for your very nice statement (I am still considering to print it out and to put it at my wall ;) ). As a member of the target demographic for N3, I can self-manage the first three motivators (4:45) from Steven Kotler's<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znwUCNrjpD4&t=301s> book: Art of the Impossible: * Curiosity - got it! * Passion - in spades! * Purpose - determined! I am left with the last two: * Autonomy - sort of... * Mastery - help? This is where I am a little stuck...ish. Feel free to contact me if you have concrete problems. I will try to help. I am part of (and providing thought leadership to) a team designing/developing a 'DevOps' Semantic Web Stack for the Electric Utility/MBSE space: a cloud-based/neutral tool to: * Curate/extend a core ontology * Manage ontology representations of enterprise and partner data catalogs * Align (map) them contextually using Profiles and Notation 3 (N3) Rules * Annotate anything with anything and, * Git, govern and capture provenance of all by treating models as code. We are currently using Python's RDFLib with SQLAlchemy (Postgres) which allows us to parse, manage and store N3 rules, but I anticipate we will quickly outgrow it. Which leaves me curious, passionate and with purpose to satisfy the (enthusiastic!) management team's hunger for...."more please!!! Bigger! Faster!! Quickly!!" All the material available for/about N3 Logic is fantastic! and the promise/potential (e.g., Eye Reasoner, RestDesc)...amazing! But where do we go from here? Maybe I am not looking in the right places? I cannot seem to locate any updated information on what technologies/stores support N3 (context and formula-aware) for industrial use?? ...besides Virtuoso? We do indeed not have an overview of the different technologies and projects around N3 (yet). I would like to fix that and therefore started a lit in our git repo: https://github.com/w3c/N3/blob/master/relatedWork/README.md The list is far from complete (even though William already added some links, thank you!) and that is where I would like to ask all of you here in the list to help and to add your N3-related projects. For experiences on industrial use, you might get some insides from Jos de Roo, who is also in this group and worked with N3 in industry for many years. But of course you already know his impressive reasoner, EYE. I'm a new Prolog nerd...so I find ClioPatria and Pengines interesting, albeit a little dated. Sadly, no N3 support...that I am aware of?? Even though Eye is written in it? Here is a survey of rdf stores that goes into EXHAUSTIVE detail<https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.13027.pdf> and there is only ONE mention of N3 in it (YARS). There do seem to be a lot of dated technologies in this space, which are a hard sell to management if they are not in active development/support. I thought I would reach out to this community for help on this as I saw the recently published Notation 3 Draft Community Report<https://w3c.github.io/N3/spec/>, and believe this topic (accompanying the draft specification) likely is in the community interest as well. Any and all help is greatly appreciated! I hope that the list will help you. The community report will soon get updated and maybe some of the members of this group can also give some more updates of their activities. As far as I know there are currently some more reasoners under development, e.g. to support reasoning in the browser (solid-lab Gent) or to better integrate with JSON-ld (Gregg?). I currently work on a translation between N3 and Datalog (will add the link to the repo when the work is mature enough) and of course, we are also all open to new ideas if you have some :) Kind regards, Dörthe Thanks! Tim Duval https://www..linkedin.com/in/tim-duval11/<https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-duval11/> MartyStache on GitHub
Received on Friday, 3 June 2022 09:56:41 UTC