Re: Discussion from today

the example is adapted at
and both cwm and eye give the same results:

@prefix : <#> . :bob a :NaivePerson1, :NaivePerson2, :NaivePerson3,
:NaivePerson4, :NaivePerson5, :NaivePerson6, :NaivePerson7, :NaivePerson8 .


On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 5:33 PM Jos De Roo <> wrote:

> Nice and I have done a small test at
> and so far it works for nesting and triple permutation too.
> Jos
> --
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 5:03 PM Pierre-Antoine Champin <
>> wrote:
>> I find interesting the proposal of modelling explicit quantification with
>> "standard" triples.
>> However, I find the log:scope construction weird, using two levels of
>> graphs
>>   { (log:universal ?x) log:scope { ?x :b :c }
>> why not simply something like
>>   [ log:universal ?x ; log:graph { ?x :b :c } ]
>> ?
>> Some experiment here (using blank nodes rather than quickvars for the
>> "quantified" variables)
>>   pa
>> On 26/01/2022 15:54, Jos De Roo wrote:
>> Dear Doerthe,
>> Blank nodes occurring in built-ins (such as log:implies) are in
>> our current implementation local to the built-in.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jos
>> --
>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 3:20 PM Doerthe Arndt <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Jos,
>>> In our current implementation blank nodes are N3 document global
>>> so we already have "(global) existential quantification on top level"
>>> and it is indeed done with blank nodes.
>>> Do you also do that with blank notes occurring in rules? Or do we need a
>>> solution for these?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Dörthe
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Jos
>>> --
>>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 2:07 PM Doerthe Arndt <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Jos,
>>>> The nesting and the opportunity to use that to impose an order on the
>>>> quantifiers was one of the motivations for the proposal. I am still
>>>> wondering whether it would be better to have a more special notion for
>>>> quantification (like @forAll) to make sure that people only  manipulate
>>>> quantified triples when they know what they are doing, but I am not sure
>>>> yet. For sure the notion has the advantage of an explicit scope.
>>>> What is still missing here is a way to have (global) existential
>>>> quantification on top level. We could change the meaning of blank nodes or
>>>> use the explicit quantifier here? What would you propose?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Dörthe
>>>> Am 26.01.2022 um 13:49 schrieb Jos De Roo <>:
>>>> Dear Doerthe,
>>>> To deal with both log:universal and log:existential we can simply use
>>>> nested log:scope like in the example
>>>> @prefix log: <>.
>>>> @prefix : <>.
>>>> :bob :smurfs {
>>>>     (log:universal :a) log:scope {
>>>>         (log:existential :x :u) log:scope {
>>>>             :x a :Unicorn.
>>>>             :u :p :x.
>>>>         }.
>>>>         :a :p :o.
>>>>     }
>>>> }.
>>>> {
>>>>     ?y :smurfs {
>>>>         (log:universal :b) log:scope {
>>>>             :b :p :o.
>>>>             (log:existential :v :y) log:scope {
>>>>                 :v :p :y.
>>>>                 :y a :Unicorn.
>>>>             }
>>>>         }
>>>>     }
>>>> } => {
>>>>     ?y a :NaivePerson.
>>>> }.
>>>> Using the latest eye
>>>> <> it can derive
>>>> :bob a :NaivePerson.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Jos
>>>> --
>>>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 4:07 PM Jos De Roo <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Doerthe,
>>>>> Your log:scope is an excellent proposal and I was able to
>>>>> extend unify/2
>>>>> in the latest eye
>>>>> so that should give
>>>>> :bob a :NaivePerson1 but not :bob a :NaivePerson1
>>>>> of course after that @William Van Woensel <>
>>>>> resolves
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Jos
>>>>> --
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 1:29 PM Doerthe Arndt <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Jos,
>>>>>> That is very interesting and I like the compact notion. I am not sure
>>>>>> about the use of the universal, but that is a separate discussion.  I
>>>>>>  still have two bigger concerns:
>>>>>> 1. We can only quantify over triples and not over formulas which is
>>>>>> what we would actually need.
>>>>>> 2. The quoted variable could still be seen as a constant, look for
>>>>>> example here:
>>>>>> So we could do something like :bob :smurfs { (log:existential :x)
>>>>>> log:scope {:x a :Unicorn.} }.
>>>>>> This looks far less elegant than your solution but we have the
>>>>>> advantage that the scope is clearly defined and that we can quantifiy over
>>>>>> formulas. Maybe you have an idea ho to improve that?
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Dörthe
>>>>>> Am 25.01.2022 um 12:20 schrieb Jos De Roo <>:
>>>>>> Dear Doerthe,
>>>>>> Forgot to point to a concrete example
>>>>>> Here the log: namespace is (mis)used instead of the e: namespace.
>>>>>> Both Cwm and Eye agree again.
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Jos
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 11:56 AM Jos De Roo <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Doerthe,
>>>>>>> Agreed and a while ago I did some experiments in which the variables
>>>>>>> in quoted graphs were replaced by either
>>>>>>> (e:existential ?X)
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> (e:universal ?X)
>>>>>>> and then using rules like you also suggested to transform that into
>>>>>>> regular data N3 data/rules/queries.
>>>>>>> It is also quite close to Pierre-Antoine's proposal of one variable
>>>>>>> type.
>>>>>>> The scope of those variables is the so-called statement level.
>>>>>>> It actually worked quite well.
>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>> Jos
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 10:46 AM Doerthe Arndt <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Jos,
>>>>>>>> I was too fast in the previous mail. There is one example where cwm
>>>>>>>> and Eye differ:
>>>>>>>> But that does not change the message from the previous mail.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> Dörthe
>>>>>>>> Am 25.01.2022 um 10:38 schrieb Arndt, Dörthe <
>>>>>>>> Dear Jos,
>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing. To complete your example, I also added
>>>>>>>> universal quantification:
>>>>>>>> The reasoners still both do the same.
>>>>>>>> I think that from a logical point of view, some of these
>>>>>>>> derivations are problematic.  But I also better understand, why you would
>>>>>>>> be against fully introducing explicit quantification. That would require us
>>>>>>>> to make a whole theory how reasoning works for the cases mentioned and then
>>>>>>>> to also implement it  accordingly which most likely will never be done
>>>>>>>> since there are not that many use cases which really require that
>>>>>>>> complexity.
>>>>>>>> My proposal was thus more to have some kind of notation for example
>>>>>>>> for proofs with which we can only do further derivation if we express that
>>>>>>>> structure in the rules. Maybe there is a third option between skolem iris
>>>>>>>> and explicit quantification with only minimal support which I am not seeing
>>>>>>>> (yet)?
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> Dörthe
>>>>>>>> Am 25.01.2022 um 01:10 schrieb Jos De Roo <>:
>>>>>>>> Dear Doerthe,
>>>>>>>> I was curious how your 5 examples currently fare with cwm and eye
>>>>>>>> and they both give the same results! Yes, the same results!
>>>>>>>> You can try it at
>>>>>>>> So there is a state of the art with explicit quantification and I
>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>> not expecting that cwm and eye were so close here.
>>>>>>>> Jos
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 11:21 PM Doerthe Arndt <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>> After our meeting today I thought about explicit quantification
>>>>>>>>> and can say that I actually like the idea to have it in N3 as some kind of
>>>>>>>>> annotation which has no meaning for the reasoning except that it is a kind
>>>>>>>>> of pattern. My vision here is that we would have a  variable namespace
>>>>>>>>> which can be combined with quantifiers. Whenever a cited graph contains a
>>>>>>>>> quantifier, we simply disallow unification with the triples in that graph
>>>>>>>>> unless we also have the quantifier. So, if we come back to my example:
>>>>>>>>> :bob :smurfs { @forSome :X. :X a :Unicorn. }.
>>>>>>>>> { ?y :smurfs { @forSome :X. :X a :Unicorn } } => { ?y a
>>>>>>>>> :NaivePerson }.
>>>>>>>>> Should result in :bob a :NaivePerson. but
>>>>>>>>> :bob :smurfs { @forSome :X. :X a :Unicorn. }.
>>>>>>>>> { ?y :smurfs { _:x a :Unicorn } } => { ?y a :NaivePerson }.
>>>>>>>>> should not.
>>>>>>>>> Of course, things could get more complicated here:
>>>>>>>>> :bob :smurfs { @forSome :X. :X a :Unicorn. }.
>>>>>>>>> { ?y :smurfs ?g. ?g log:includes {?x a :Unicorn} } => { ?y a
>>>>>>>>> :NaivePerson }.
>>>>>>>>> Should not fire, but what about
>>>>>>>>> :bob :smurfs { @forSome :X. :X a :Unicorn. :Unicorn a
>>>>>>>>> :MagicalCreature }.
>>>>>>>>> { ?y :smurfs ?g. ?g log:includes {?x a :MagicalCreature } } => {
>>>>>>>>> ?y a :NaivePerson }.
>>>>>>>>> So, here we would have to agree and either decide that the moment
>>>>>>>>> that there is a quantifier involved in the graph, we stay away and do not
>>>>>>>>> match anything, we could use the name-space to know when not to match or we
>>>>>>>>> make a more fine-grained theory about scopes (but here we can really get
>>>>>>>>> into the problems, Jos mentioned). An example:
>>>>>>>>> :bob :smurfs { @forSome :X. :X a :Unicorn. :X :says {:sokrates a
>>>>>>>>> :Person} }.
>>>>>>>>> { ?y :smurfs ?g. ?g log:includes {?x :says {:sokrates a :Person} }
>>>>>>>>> } => { ?y a :NaivePerson }.
>>>>>>>>> Here, we see that the namspace alone can’t be a reason to allow or
>>>>>>>>> disallow a unification. We would need some concept to express, when a
>>>>>>>>> triple is scoped, and this theory could indeed get complicated.
>>>>>>>>> (So,I see your concerns here, Jos.)
>>>>>>>>> So, why do I even propose that kind of pattern? The answer is that
>>>>>>>>> I like that we would have some way to express the patterns which
>>>>>>>>> go beyond our logic which is limited to implicit quantification without
>>>>>>>>> loosing the possibility to involve them to our theory. We could then
>>>>>>>>> explicitly define our reasoning calculus which only allows
>>>>>>>>> implicit quantification and provide rules to support more sophisticated
>>>>>>>>> theories. We cannot express that by only having constants because then
>>>>>>>>> there would be no way of blocking unification.
>>>>>>>>> My ideas are not really thought through yet (it cn perfectly be
>>>>>>>>> that I change my mind next week, also depending on your comments ;) ). But
>>>>>>>>> I wanted to elaborate why (for now), it seems to be an interesting idea to
>>>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>> Dörthe

Received on Monday, 31 January 2022 16:56:04 UTC