Re: Example from sequence of triples to an RDF List

Hi Patrick,

I created an alternative solution to your problem using list:append (just because you mentioned that). The solution uses scoped negation as failure (with collectAllIn, I originally wanted to avoid that). I think that Jos’ way is more elegant in the sense that we do not need to create interim lists (not even internally), but I hope that you can see that you get far even without the very powerful collectAllIn. Here the link:

Below the code:

@prefix math: <> .
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix list: <>.
@prefix math: <>.
@prefix : <>.

:part1 :order 1 .
:part3 :order 3.
:part2 :order 2.

{?part :order 1.  }=>{(?part) :list 1}.

#built up lists
{?part :order ?n.
 ?list :list ?m.
 (?m 1) math:sum ?n.
 (?list (?part)) list:append ?nlist
}=>{?nlist :list ?n}.

#(scoped) negation as failure to see that we are done

 ?list :list ?m.
 (?m 1) math:sum ?n.
  ((1) {?part :order ?n.} ()) log:collectAllIn ?SCOPE.
} => {
    :Collection :parts ?list.

Which produces:
@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix list: <>.
@prefix : <>.

(:part1) :list 1 .
(:part1 :part2) :list 2 .
(:part1 :part2 :part3) :list 3 .
:Collection :parts (:part1 :part2 :part3).

Kind regards,

Am 27.08.2022 um 16:02 schrieb Jos De Roo <<>>:

Hi Patrick,

The core built-ins will be described in detail in

For the moment consider log:collectAllIn owl:inverse e:findall where the latter is
(briefly) documented at



On Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 2:14 PM Patrick Hochstenbach <<>> wrote:
Yes, indeed! This I certainly was something I couldn't have produced.

I didn't come across  log:collectAllIn before.

I assume

( ?Params ?FormA ?Collection ) log:collectAllIn ?FormB

Means some kind of 'Params' extraction from 'FormA' into a 'Collection'
..and then the 'FormB' is [?].


From: Jos De Roo <<>>
Sent: 27 August 2022 13:33
To: Patrick Hochstenbach <<>>
Cc:<> <<>>
Subject: Re: Example from sequence of triples to an RDF List

Hi Patrick,

The following should work fine

$ cat test.n3
@prefix log: <<>>.
@prefix list: <<>>.
@prefix : <<>>.

:part1 :order 1 .
:part3 :order 3.
:part2 :order 2.

{   ((?B ?A) {?A :order ?B} ?C) log:collectAllIn ?SCOPE.
    ?C list:unique ?D.
    (?F {?D list:member (?E ?F)} ?G) log:collectAllIn ?SCOPE.
} => {
    :Collection :parts ?G.

With the latest version of eye (supporting list:unique) you should get

$ eye --nope --quiet test.n3 --pass 2>/dev/null
@prefix log: <<>>.
@prefix list: <<>>.
@prefix : <<>>.

:part1 :order 1 .
:part3 :order 3 .
:part2 :order 2 .
:Collection :parts (:part1 :part2 :part3).



On Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 9:43 AM Patrick Hochstenbach <<>> wrote:

I'm still struggling with RDF List and to use N3 (or SPARQL) for schema alignment.
I the past the group provided solution to go from an RDF List to a sequence of triples (See: "Example how to count in N3" thread<>).

But how could the opposite route be done?


:part1 :order 1 .
:part2 :order 2.
:part3 :order 3.


:Collection :parts (:part1 :part2 :part3 ).

I tried my best and can invent rules to generate any combination of (infinite) lists, but not this example. I tried to list:append or trying to create a list by hand using rdf:next ..but this keeps producing blank nodes in a loop.

In general, it is a question how to create an RDF List from scratch in N3 using the input data.


Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2022 15:51:34 UTC