builtins, witnesses and contraint satisfaction problems

Hi all,

following our discussion during the call, I made a small experiment with 
EYE [1]

{ (?x ?y ?z) math:memberCount ?c. }
     => { :TEST1 :gave ?c }.
{ ?x math:notGreaterThan ?y. ?y math:notGreaterThan ?z. (?x ?y ?z) 
math:memberCount ?c. }
     => { :TEST2 :gave ?c }.
{ ?x math:notGreaterThan ?y. ?y math:notGreaterThan ?z. ?z 
math:notGreaterThan ?x. (?x ?y ?z) math:memberCount ?c. }
     => { :TEST3 :gave ?c }.

 From a purely logical point of view, the first two should pass.

EYE only passes the first one. And despite the fact that this is 
logically incomplete, I am quite happy with that.

My intuition is that math:memberCount only matches if the unbound 
variables in the list are not otherwise constrained, and that sounds 
like a reasonable heuristics when it comes to succeeding with unbound 



Received on Monday, 8 February 2021 18:17:51 UTC