- From: William Van Woensel <William.Van.Woensel@Dal.Ca>
- Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 15:28:18 +0000
- To: "public-n3-dev@w3.org" <public-n3-dev@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <YT1PR01MB3755C15C0963903D13BC73B3D4E70@YT1PR01MB3755.CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Hello everyone, As you may (or not) know, we’ve been putting a bit of work into a prototype JS N3 editor<https://github.com/william-vw/n3-editor-js>. Having some sort of namespace auto-complete and addition, like in YATE<https://perfectkb.github.io/yate/>, would really simplify working with N3 (and RDF / SPARQL / .. in general). Personally, I’ve often had the need for it when authoring Semantic Web code. Having a boilerplate template (i.e., with often-used namespaces) only goes so far ; and I *still* haven’t managed to memorize all namespaces :-( As listed here<https://perfectkb.github.io/yate/>, it seems that some services (prefix.cc, LOV) are readily available to help with adding auto-complete and -addition to any Semantic Web editor. Hence, a (mini) call-to-action: do some of you want to volunteer for adding such support to the prototype JS N3 editor? Regards, William From: Maxime Lefrançois <maxime.lefrancois@emse.fr> Sent: November-12-20 6:23 AM To: Reto Gmür <reto@factsmission.com> Cc: Aidan Hogan <aidhog@gmail.com>; semantic-web <semantic-web@w3.org>; Bastián Inostroza <bastian.inostroza@gmail.com> Subject: Re: RDF Playground CAUTION: The Sender of this email is not from within Dalhousie. Hi Aidan, Bastián, This is a pretty useful resource for teaching, thank you ! For the Turtle syntax coloring, automatic namespace addition, and autocompletion, Would you consider reusing YATE ? https://perfectkb.github.io/yate/ Best regards, Maxime Lefrançois MINES Saint-Étienne http://maxime-lefrancois.info/ Le jeu. 12 nov. 2020 à 11:15, Reto Gmür <reto@factsmission.com<mailto:reto@factsmission.com>> a écrit : Hi Aidan That's very cool! I'm wondering how hard it would be to implement similar functionality purely on the client. I've recently been experimenting with running YASGUI against a client-side store: https://retog.github.io/patchgraph/#/sparql I think SHACL would be no problem on the client but I don't know about OWL inferencing. Cheers, Reto -----Original Message----- From: Aidan Hogan <aidhog@gmail.com<mailto:aidhog@gmail.com>> Sent: Dienstag, 10. November 2020 17:31 To: semantic-web <semantic-web@w3.org<mailto:semantic-web@w3.org>> Cc: Bastián Inostroza <bastian.inostroza@gmail.com<mailto:bastian.inostroza@gmail.com>> Subject: RDF Playground Hi all, Bastián (in CC) has created RDF Playground as a tool that we have been using to teach a course on the Web of Data. It has been very useful in this course and we think that some of you might also find it useful! The system centres around an RDF graph (Turtle) with a graph visualisation, and allows for running SPARQL queries, RDFS/OWL 2 RL reasoning, SHACL and ShEx validation. The intent of the interface is to run small examples, useful for teaching or illustration purposes. In terms of the design, we wanted to show the different standards in a more integrated way (allowing to quickly switch between reasoning, querying and validation, on the same RDF graph, for example), while also putting emphasis on the graph-based nature of RDF through its visualisations (e.g., you can also view the results of reasoning, CONSTRUCT queries, etc., as an RDF graph). You can view a demo here: http://rdfplayground.dcc.uchile.cl/ At the bottom of the page you can load an example or play a video to demonstrate the features. If you were thinking of using it in a course, it might be a good idea to install it locally as the demo linked above is not a production system. You can find the source code here: https://github.com/BastyZ/RDFPlayground The system is implemented on top of Jena, ShExJava and RDFLib/OWL-RL (with a Kotlin back-end to tie everything together). The front-end uses Vue and node.js. Indeed it might be great to set up mirrors if there were interest. The system is most similar to (the very cool) RDFShape tool. https://rdfshape.weso.es/dataQuery RDFShape offers many more features relating to ShEx/SHACL (and also SPARQL), while RDF Playground integrates RDFS/OWL reasoning support and a different interface style. We have some plans to extend RDF Playground to integrate a Linked Data browser (with the aim of connecting it more with the Web). Also there are some minor "quality-of-life improvements" that could be added like syntax highlighting, auto-completion, filters, etc. We hope you might find RDF Playground useful! Best, Bastián & Aidan
Received on Thursday, 12 November 2020 15:28:33 UTC