Attendance at RuleML+RR 2019

Hello everyone,


After making some progress on important N3 issues (via online discussions
<>  and weekly telecons
0mnE/edit> ), we'd like to touch base again with the larger "rules and
reasoning" community and get their feedback on our current progress (much
like Doerthe initially did at the W3C Workshop on Graph Data
<>  in March).


The RuleML+RR 2019 conference <>  in
September seems like an ideal venue for this. Hence, I would like to ask
whether anyone, who is already planning on attending the conference, would
like to also present on our current progress on N3 standardization. This
could range from a regular poster to a more visible "session" on N3,
depending on the conference organizers and of course your willingness and
availability to present on N3. 


Please let us know!








William and Doerthe 

Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2019 14:53:04 UTC