Hello again, n3!

Hello everyone,


We're getting close to a month having passed since our initial group Skype
meeting (January 21st). As you may remember, at this point, we planned to
have a good idea
<https://github.com/w3c/N3/blob/master/Meetings/21012019_minutes>  of the
scope of our standardization effort; i.e., ranging from mostly sticking to
the existing W3C team submission to a more comprehensive scope that includes
(some of) the issues we discussed. 


Hence, at this point, we would again like to ask everyone to have a look at
the issues discussed on GitHub and give their feedback, concerns or advice.
(Or perhaps even add an extra issue that is not listed yet!) We've already
had some interesting discussions but some issues have not yet gotten the
attention they deserve-and we're missing input from many of the community


As mentioned by Gregg, there is a W3C Workshop on Web Standardization for
Graph Data <https://www.w3.org/Data/events/data-ws-2019/schedule.html>
planned in the beginning of March. Both Gregg and Doerthe are planning on
attending and hopefully getting some feedback from the general community
there. We'd like to ask whether anyone else from the N3 dev community is
planning on attending-perhaps it could be useful if a small subgroup could
physically meet.


To give everyone the opportunity to contribute (including the N3 Dev and
general community), we would propose postponing the next group Skype meeting
until mid-March. 


Hopefully, at that point, we will have received comprehensive input on the
issues raised and the general direction of the N3 standardization effort.


Just let us know what you think.



Kind regards,


Doerthe and William


Received on Monday, 18 February 2019 13:36:51 UTC