Integrating inputmode support in WCTMB?


One piece of XHTML Basic 1.1/XForms/WebForms2 that is particularly
relevant to mobile devices (due the limitations of their keyboard) is
the "inputmode" attribute [1]. 

It allows authors to indicate what type of input (e.g. letters vs
digits) is expected in an input field, allowing user agents to provide a
better user experience by selecting the appropriate interface to enter
the requested data. It more or less imitates what the -wap-input-format
WCSS property allowed to do.

It has unfortunately very little support in deployed browsers as of
today; I know that OpenWave has an experimental implementation of it,
and thinks there are 1 or 2 other planned implementations, but that's
about it.

So, I think it would be a pretty good candidate for inclusion in the Web
Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers.

The main problem being that I don't see any way to integrate it there -
I don't think the inputmode attribute triggers a specific change to DOM
(beyond its appearance in the DOM tree), not any specific CSS property.
Does anyone have an idea on how we could accomplish this?




Received on Thursday, 22 May 2008 14:11:25 UTC