[agenda] Tuesday June 10 teleconf


Here comes the agenda for our meeting tomorrow (June 10). Please send
regrets and report on your action items before the call.
Known regrets: Dmitri.

The logistics of the call are at the end of the message.

 * Web Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers
   - new test: cookies

   - inputmode test
ACTION: Dom to implement the inputmode test and send for review
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/03-mwts-minutes.html#action06]
Done: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mwts/2008Jun/0008.html

   - different color scheme
ACTION: Dom to look into setting up an alternative version of the tests
with a different color scheme [recorded in
http://www.w3.org/2008/06/03-mwts-minutes.html#action08] [PENDING]

   - SVG test
ACTION: Dom to look into the harder SVG test [recorded in
http://www.w3.org/2008/06/03-mwts-minutes.html#action07] [PENDING]

   - contenteditable
ACTION: Wilhelm to check on the report of contenteditable bug [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/03-mwts-minutes.html#action03] [PENDING]

   - user agent string
ACTION: Dom to get the test served through PHP with user agent appearing
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/03-mwts-minutes.html#action04]
   - test documentation
ACTION: Wilhelm to look at a mapping scheme from test to specs and test
suites. [recorded in
http://www.w3.org/2008/06/03-mwts-minutes.html#action05] [PENDING]

 * Charter extension
ACTION: Dom to request charter extension for 6 more months [recorded in
http://www.w3.org/2008/04/15-mwts-minutes.html#action07] [PENDING]

 * Next week meeting
I'll be in a F2F meeting next week, so won't be able to chair our
regular meeting; should we cancel it and plan to meet in two weeks?

Logistics: Zakim Teleconference bridge +1.617.761.6200 (also available
at: + or +44.117.370.6152 )
Teleconference code: 8794
Time: 5pm CET / 11 am ET / 8am PT 
IRC channel: #mwts on irc.w3.org *port 6665*; please make your best
effort to be on IRC since we are using it extensively
during our teleconferences; if you don't have an IRC client installed, 
you can use the Member-only web interface to the IRC server at:

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 14:58:18 UTC