[agenda] Tuesday Dec 2 teleconf


Here comes our agenda for our teleconference today (Dec 2nd) - sorry I
failed to send it out yesterday.

Please send reports on your action items and regrets before the

The logistics of the call are at the end of the message.


* Widgets Testing
ACTION: Wilhelm to follow up on widgets testing with Kai [recorded in
http://www.w3.org/2008/11/04-mwts-minutes.html#action01] [DONE]
Wilhelm sent WTF to Kai

Move Kai's tests to dev.w3.org? 

* Cookies test suite
ACTION: Wilhelm to look into opera's test suites for cookies [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/02-mwts-minutes.html#action04] [PENDING]

* Device Independent Testing Guidelines
ACTION: Dom to review the di guidelines [recorded in
http://www.w3.org/2008/11/18-mwts-minutes.html#action09] [PENDING]
ACTION: Kai to contribute to the di guidelines (an example?) [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2008/11/18-mwts-minutes.html#action11] [PENDING]
ACTION: Wilhelm to review the di guidelines [recorded in
http://www.w3.org/2008/11/18-mwts-minutes.html#action10] [PENDING]

* Web Compatibility Test
ACTION: Kai to verify IE mobile with new inputmode/contenteditable tests
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/11/25-mwts-minutes.html#action11]

* WCTMB blog
ACTION: Kai to propose a first "draft" of the white paper on WCTMB
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/11/18-mwts-minutes.html#action14]
(Kai sent me something in private mail)
ACTION: Kai to send details on his idea for a local blog system to Dom
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/11/25-mwts-minutes.html#action13]

* Agreement on test suites with OMA
ACTION: Wilhem to send Opera's feedback on OMA test suites [recorded in
ACTION: Dom to look back at OMA situation and report [recorded in

* Next meetings
I'll be traveling next week (Dec 9) - I assume Wilhelm will chair.
I'll be off Dec 23 and 30 - should we cancel these two calls?

Logistics: Zakim Teleconference bridge +1.617.761.6200 (also available
at: + or +44.117.370.6152 )
Teleconference code: 8794
Time: 5pm CET / 11 am ET / 8am PT
IRC channel: #mwts on irc.w3.org *port 6665*; please make your best
effort to be on IRC since we are using it extensively
during our teleconferences; if you don't have an IRC client installed,
you can use the Member-only web interface to the IRC server at:

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2008 08:03:11 UTC