[agenda] Next week face to face meeting

Hello all,

As promised, there is a tentative agenda for our two days F2F meeting
next week available at:

We will be reviewing it tomorrow during our call (agenda upcoming
shortly); a few addition points about it:
* my plane leaves early Friday pm, so I won't be able to attend (let
alone chair) after 3:30; depending on our progress, we can either decide
to adjourn at that time, or you can meet without me with Carmelo
* I would like to include presentations that WG participants would like
to propose for this first F2F; we will of course go around the table to
introduce ourselves, but if you're interested in making a more technical
presentation during this meeting (typically on test suites for mobile
web technologies you know about, or tools we could use in our work),
please let me know and I'll add them to the agenda
* we won't have a teleconference next Tuesday, since we'll be meeting
F2F on Thu/Fri (as is traditional for W3C groups)

Generally speaking, comments and suggestions are more than welcome,


Received on Monday, 15 January 2007 13:38:38 UTC