Contribution to MW4D

Dear All,

i had to cancel today's call due to lack of participation (only Betty 
joined the call, and Jean-Marie online).
I would like to point to people a couple of pages that have received 
great contributions recently:
*the MW4D impact page: Betty will continue the update and launch a 
discussion on the topic soon

*Data collection tool:
Max started to fill the page, all contributions are welcome

*business model:
Raphael made lots of very interesting contribution here. comments are 

The page on SMS gateways ( 
) didn't receive any contribution. So not sure if we should pursue 
exploring this or not. I'm happy to hear what people feel about it.

I will reorganize a new call early april

Stephane Boyera
Web Foundation		+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08

Received on Monday, 7 March 2011 13:20:54 UTC