Migrating MW4D wiki from moinmoin to Media Wiki

Dear All,

W3C is migrating globally from an old wiki system (moinmoin) to a more 
modern one (media wiki). The official switch will happen at the end of 
the month. For users, there will be no change. For contributors, this is 
different. People will need a W3C account to be able to edit pages in 
hte wiki. If you already have a w3c account (public or member), you will 
be able to contribute. If you don't have one, please fill the form at
and mention that this is to contribute to the MW4D IG wiki.

I will send another mail when the migration happens
This is a bit of burden, but it is really worth it in terms of 
functionnality of the new wiki system

Thanks you very much.
Stephane Boyera		boyera@webfoundation.org
Web Foundation		+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08

Received on Monday, 1 March 2010 10:34:09 UTC