ICTD Workshop: Qual Meets Quant (research with mobiles)

Dear All,

This workshop might be of interest to you !

thanks and regards
Arun Kumar
Research Staff Member,
IBM Research - India,
4, Block - C, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi - 110 070, India,

Spoken Web (aka World Wide Telecom Web :

"Websites that use the spoken word will empower the illiterate" -
----- Forwarded by Arun Kumar/India/IBM on 07/19/2010 10:53 AM -----
             "Kentaro Toyama"                                              
             07/17/2010 04:42                                              

Here’s a workshop happening at ICTD in London (likely on December 16th)
that may be of interest for some of you…

Qual Meets Quant: Bridging the Gap between Technical and Social Researchers
to Foster International Development through Mobile Platforms

6-page papers are sought (deadline October 15), and accepted papers will be
given a short presentation slot, following which there will be a roundtable
discussion discussing interdisciplinary methodologies. More info in the
attached CFP and online: www.qualmeetsquant.org.

Please pass on to colleagues who might be interested.

Kentaro (See attached file: CFP.PDF)

Received on Monday, 19 July 2010 05:49:10 UTC