Meetingl monday 19 july: Call for items

Dear All,

As discussed during last call, there will be a call next week monday 19 
July on the usual time.
Due to vacation time in some part of the world, i will check during 
july/august that we have a critical mass to organize the call.
So please let me know privately if you plan to attend the call.

Now, in terms of agenda, we agreed last meeting that each teleconference 
will have a time for a project presentation that will focus on the 
different dimensions we are working on in the group (domain specific 
consideration, b-model, impact, adoption, tools).
Is there any volunteer for next week ?

Stephane Boyera
Web Foundation		+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08

Received on Monday, 12 July 2010 08:13:25 UTC