After Access – Challenges Facing Mobile-OnlyInternet Users in the Developing World

Dear All,
i want to share with you a very good paper from S. Gitau, J. Donner and 
G. Marsden.
The paper is attached
References are:
Gitau, Shikoh, Marsden, Gary, & Donner, Jonathan. (2010). After access - 
Challenges facing mobile-only internet users in the developing world. 
Proceedings of the 28th international conference on human factors in 
computing systems (CHI 2010) (pp. 2603-2606). New York: ACM.

One of the first papers i see focusing on the barriers of using mobile 
web in developing countries by people without PC access and experience.
Some good suggestions for operators and other players.

Stephane Boyera
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Received on Monday, 5 July 2010 11:47:41 UTC