Re: Meeting: Monday 5 July 2010

Stephane - it's too bad that you chose a holiday in the United States  
for the next call.  Most people in America are off that day.



On Jun 30, 2010, at 10:59 AM, Stephane Boyera wrote:

> Dear All,
> As announced previously, the rechartered MW4D IG will restart its  
> teleconferences on July 5 2010.
> The details on how to attend the teleconferences are explained at
> The meeting is taking place at 8:00am ET (boston time).
> We are heavily using W3C chat system during the teleconference to  
> take note, pass URI, etc. Please connect to it at
> enter a meaningful nickname and connect.
> Agenda
> -Participants introduction
> -Logistics:
> 	- keeping the same teleconference slot or changing to fit a bigger  
> number of people ?
> 	- adopting a different periodicity ?
> -MW4D IG overview (Stephane)
> -Work organization and task repartition
> -Next steps
> -Next Meeting
> We need a scribe for the meeting. This duty will move from one  
> participant to another at each meeting. This is very easy. Those  
> without experience with W3C tools should probably wait a couple of  
> conference before taking the duty.
> Best
> Stephanev
> -- 
> Stephane Boyera
> W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
> BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
> F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		
> France

Katrin Verclas

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact

Received on Friday, 2 July 2010 18:21:06 UTC