Re: I18N, fonts and mobile (was Re: After Access – Challenges Facing Mobile-OnlyInternet Users in the Developing World)

Hi David,

thanks for the information.
Could-you let me know what font transcoding is ?
i mean the opera proxy for mini detect that a page requires specific 
fonts, let's say hindi. What is it doing ?
Are you saying that opera mini does not use the system fonts?

> I bumped into one of our Indian sales guys in the corridor and he
> mentioned that phones in India are usually sold with Hindi fonts, so
> Opera Mini works fine with Hindi web sites. He also mentioned that it
> doesn't matter too much for Opera Mini as we do font transcoding (this
> needed for for example TATA, one of the biggest Indian telecoms
> companies) such as we do content transcoding, so it should work with
> those languages even when there are font issues.
> David Storey
> Chief Web Opener / Product Manager, Opera Dragonfly
> W3C WG: Mobile Web Best Practices / SVG Interest Group
> Opera Software ASA, Oslo, Norway
> Mobile: +47 94 22 02 32 / E-Mail/XMPP: / Twitter: dstorey

Stephane Boyera
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Received on Thursday, 5 August 2010 14:42:09 UTC