Roadmap new release and agenda for monday 28

Dear all,

I just released a new version of the roadmap 
( ) integrating most of the 
changes we discussed during the last conference:
*updated the introduction to move up the definition of mobile web
*added the need for packaged solution for low-cost voice infrastructure 
in the tools section of voice, exec summary and conclusion support actions
*realized that this is something we should also mention for mobile web 
access and added that too
*changed wording in the accessibility section to underline the fact that 
this might be more important in developing countries
*changed 6.1.5 section name (costs for the end user)
*add a note around cost of voice calls with links to arun's examples
*also added a note for data service
*integrated Nicolas's contribution on co-design
*added/updated contribution from Phillip on USSD and CB
*started a definition section in the appendix 12.2 after the 
abbreviation, and mentionned that in the intro. I'm just listing for now 
the erm and not putting the definition. Suggestions on which terms to 
put in this section are welcome

Things i didn't implement yet:
- the corrections sent by Renjish
- checking section references and numbering

Point that needs to be discussed:
- change in the organization of the doc proposed by Renjish
- change in the Audience section proposed by Renjish
- some other changes proposed by Renjish in
- discoverability of voice apps proposed by Arun
- authoring of voice apps proposed by Arun
- lasting-information in voice apps proposed by Arun
- examples in the appendix

So please:
- review the new release
- read the comments we will discuss on monday

This will ease and speed the discussion on monday.

Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Friday, 25 September 2009 09:30:55 UTC