Re: roadmap new release

thanks for your comment
sounds reasonable to me.
Will integrate that except if someone voice a concern


Slim Amamou a écrit :
> hi,
> in section 7.2.2 about SMS, in the last paragraph :
> "Some work, guidelines or APIs around easing the integration of Web 
> Applications and SMS hubs would surely help having more web applications 
> using this channel, and having more people being able to access and use 
> some Web content and services through SMS."
> For a more end to end web, I think the integration work should be geared 
> toward the client (mobile handset) and not the server (SMS hub). For 
> example: pushing a hyperlink standard in SMS messages that would be 
> implemented in handset SMS viewers.
> I would be more satisfied with something like :
> "Some work, guidelines or APIs around easing the integration of Web 
> Applications and SMS *infrastructure (hubs and handsets)* would surely 
> help having more web applications using this channel, and having more 
> people being able to access and use some Web content and services 
> through SMS."
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Stephane Boyera < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Dear All,
>     my apologies for the delay in releasing this new version.
>     I believe i've now integrated all comments.
>     This release in particular includes:
>     - yoshiko wording change
>     - piece around voice development framework
>     - piece around discoverability
>     - piece around lasting information
>     - contributors
>     - changed the structure exec
>     - added a note on lesser know languages
>     - completed teh definition section
>     - update mobile portals 6.1.4
>     -completed the conclusion
>     -added defintion
>     - added a ToC
>     - modified the tables in the exec summary so that colors are not
>     displayed when printing, and i added a comment in each cell to summarize
>     the meaning of each color.
>     Concerning the content of the contributors section, as discussed during
>     last call, i listed in the section people have been actively engaged in
>     the work on the roadmap, contributing in writings or comment,
>     participating in the teleconf, and so on.
>     If your name is cited and you prefer i remove you, just let me know
>     if you think you should be listed, don't be shy and let me know. I
>     apologize in advance if i forgot some people, and this is surely
>     possible.
>     I also moved the document outside the wiki as i started working on W3C
>     style for publication.
>     So this new release is at
>     i added a note in the wiki to point to that document.
>     What left on my plate:
>     -complete the W3C style integration for publication
>     -completing the reference section with all the links in the document
>     -proof reading the whole thing
>     - asking the people who offered it, to do another proof reading
>     hope to complete my part this week.
>     What left on your plate: check the last version and voice any concern
>     you have.
>     I hope that we could decide the publication during next call october 26,
>     and have it published october 28.
>     We are getting close !
>     cheers
>     Steph
>     -- 
>     Stephane Boyera <>
>     W3C                             +33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
>     BP 93                           fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
>     F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,        
>     France
> -- 
> Slim Amamou | سليم عمامو

Stephane Boyera
W3C    +33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
BP 93    fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,  

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2009 16:48:48 UTC