RE: [Health IT] Mobile Myths and Reality

Dear All
I have been following this group discussion and I am so interested in the roadmap it is a very useful document, I would love to have the part for health integrated in it is it going to be so?

Prof. Nadia Hegazi
Professor of Informatics Electronics Research Institute
Senior Expert for  Strategic Planning
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Address Km 28 Cairo Alex Desert Rd. Giza,Egypt
Phone +202 3534 1375
Fax   +202 24528860
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لا تقل با رب عندى هم كبير ولكن قل يا هم لى رب كبير

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Olla, Phillip
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 3:51 PM
To: adesina iluyemi; Katrin Verclas
Cc: MW4D Group
Subject: RE: [Health IT] Mobile Myths and Reality

Hi Katrin
Can you just clarify if this work you are doing on the m-health figures is being contributed to the roadmap or will this be a separate deliverable. It sounds very interesting and I'm sure many members in the group would like to see the end results.
Dr Phillip Olla
Endowed Phillips Chair of Management
School of Business
Madonna University
36600 Schoolcraft rd


From: on behalf of adesina iluyemi
Sent: Wed 9/30/2009 09:19 AM
To: Katrin Verclas
Cc: MW4D Group
Subject: Re: [Health IT] Mobile Myths and Reality

Hi Katrim,

Great! Kindly let me know if you need my contributions


2009/9/30 Katrin Verclas <>

	Adesina and all -- I have a bunch of corrections for the roadmap that I am working on right now (I am on this list and have been following the work closely), and am happy to contribute whatever is useful -- all of our content is licensed Creative Commons.  And there will be a significant health focus given the plethora of m-health projects (and their claims :)   

	We are looking right now closely at the numbers -- what are the costs of mobile and how does that affect social development, followed by another close look at some of the fuzzy numbers in this field.

	We have lined up a stellar group of contributors but if you feel that you might want to contribute a piece or topic, please be in touch!

	Thanks so much, and keep up the great work.



	On Sep 30, 2009, at 7:44 AM, adesina iluyemi wrote:

		This might be useful forthe final document
		---------- Forwarded message ----------
		From: GHDonline (Anup Akkihal) <>
		Date: 2009/9/30
		Subject: [Health IT] Mobile Myths and Reality
		To: Adesina Iluyemi <>
		Anup Akkihal added a new discussion to the Health IT community.
		Title: Mobile Myths and Reality
		Discussion contents:
		There is a new series of blog posts starting soon on called Mobile Myths and Reality: Deconstructing Mobiles for Development.  Although it isn't health-focused, it looks useful nonetheless:
		View this post online:
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		You can reply to this discussion by responding directly to this e-mail; it will be shared with all community members and posted as is. Files cannot be added via email attachment and must be uploaded directly to GHDonline.

		Adesina Iluyemi
		mHealth Innovator/Consultant
		Sustainable eHealth/Telemedicine in Africa
		Centre for Healthcare Modelling & Informatics
		University of Portsmouth
		T: +44 (0)23 9284 6784
		M: +44 (0)79 5602 6010

	Katrin Verclas
	Co-Founder and Editor
	+ 1 413 687 9877
	skype: katrinskaya

	Check out our new site and mDirectory! 
	Tools, research, case studies, and how-to use resources about mobiles in social change work. <> 

Adesina Iluyemi
mHealth Innovator/Consultant
Sustainable eHealth/Telemedicine in Africa
Centre for Healthcare Modelling & Informatics
University of Portsmouth
T: +44 (0)23 9284 6784
M: +44 (0)79 5602 6010

Received on Thursday, 1 October 2009 07:04:50 UTC