Re: mLife 2009 and panel on MW4D work

Dear Colleagues

Referring to Stephane's email below, if there is an interest or if you  
are already attending the mLIfe conferences, we need 3-4 persons to  
form up a panel to report on the progress of the group activities. The  
only thing we need is a panel description of one page, who ever will  
be willing to lead the panel.

  I think this is another great opportunity for visibility. The  
conference info is here:

As the mLIfe 2009 organisers we will be happy to offer free  
registration to the members of panel contributors.

Please let me know if you have any questions or interest.


On 16 Jul 2009, at 09:45, Stephane Boyera wrote:

> Dear all,
> I was discussing recently with prof. Ibrahim Kushchu from Mobile  
> Government Consortium International ( ).
> Kushchu is the organizer of the mLife/mDevelopment series of  
> conferences. I personnaly attended the 2008 instance, and it was a  
> very interesting event, well attended particularly with people from  
> many different Asian and African countries.
> The 2009 instance will take place in Barcelona, Spain 2-4 september.  
> See
> Ken is participating and is the co-chair of the conference.
> Unfortunately, i will not be there myself, but Kushchu and myself  
> thought that it could be valuable to try to organize a panel on the  
> activity of our group.
> If there are people planning to attend or interested in this idea,  
> please let Kushchu (cc'd) know.
> Best
> Stephane
> -- 
> Stephane Boyera
> W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
> BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
> F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		
> France

Associate Professor and Founding Director,
Mobile Government Consortium International, UK
+44 1273 777853

Received on Monday, 20 July 2009 23:56:03 UTC