Interesting cases / MW4D

Dear Team,

It was nice that I joined in the MW4D team!

Please find below, as discussed on 3 Aug., some cases where mobile phones are used as data disseminating device in developing countries. The more you search, the more you'll find cases. So please take the list below as examples out of many emerging/running projects of this kind.

Hope they'll convey flavor from the ground to help us.


Recommended -->
An impressive collection of mobile phone on the ground for the development. For case studies, click "mDirectory" in the tab line.

I think we could do something with this group.

"'s vision is to help organizations make use of the most ubiquitous communications technology in the world with data, tools, and how-to resources; build a network of practitioners and technologists in a supportive community of practice; and highlight and explore the many innovative campaigns and projects -- their lessons learned.

In short, we want to make it easier for any organization interested in using mobile tech to do so. "

Web site -->

Selected interesting cases -------------

1.  Cyber Tracker, S. Africa 

Louis Liebenberg, a South African scientist and tracking expert, believes that
the only way to understand and deal with the impact of global warming is to
establish an ecosystem’s status quo. “At present we have no idea how many
species are really threatened, as we do not have enough observations,” he
says. “Many species could be going extinct without us even knowing it..


CyberTracker’s innovative and flexible software combines the indigenous
knowledge of Africa’s traditional trackers with state-of-the-art computer and
satellite technology to give highly detailed observations of natural systems.
The CyberTracker software runs on smart phones and handheld computers.

Full story-->

2. Mobile Communications to Revolutionize African Weather Monitoring

 Global Humanitarian Forum, Ericsson, WMO, and Zain and other mobile
operators to deploy up to 5,000 automatic weather stations in mobile network sites across Africa, where less than 300 are reporting today

• Partnership will increase dissemination of weather information via mobile
phones to users and communities, including remote farmers and fishermen

• First 19 stations deployed more than double Lake Victoria region weather
monitoring, where 5,000 people die every year due to storms and accidents

Full story

3. CellBazaar, Bangladesh
Buy, sell exchange over the mobile phones, as well as information on agriculture prices.

4. Center for Digital Inclusion, Brazil, including PC and IT in general.

reported in CNET news,-but-how/2009-1042_3-6245405.html

5. Kiwanja net

Mobile-enabled social change. One SMS at a time...

***** And Coming soon ******

Initiative for agriculture in the regions bordering the Sahara, Mali and Senegal

The program is focused on information technologies applied to agriculture, sustainable development, health and education.

ICVolunteers / ICVolontaires / ICVoluntarios
P.O. Box 755, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland 
Phone: +41 22 800 1436
Fax: +41 22 800 1437

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2009 11:45:40 UTC