framework structure proposal - comments

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 04:50:54 +0200, Stephane Boyera wrote

> 3- Stakeholders
Add 'internet providers':  pricing, caching etc.
> *End-user*
> targeting 
> people without past ict experience and without technological 
> background
Aren't we making mountains out of molehills here?  What percentage
of internet users in the Western world have past ict experience and/or
technological background? The whole technology is at most one generation
old, so we are not talking about something deeply ingrained in any
culture.  Every contests provider claims (with varying degrees of
truthfulness) that its website is easy to navigate for everybody.... 

> 	- type of applications:we might want to explore what are the major 
> domains or areas where services will be most useful to people 
> (health, education,....) 
There is nothing wrong with collecting any sort of information, but
for what practical purpose?  Can we honestly say what's of interest
to pearl fishers in Sri Lanka and llama farmers in Peru, apart from
some generic terms like health & education?  Shouldn't the contents be left to
local market forces and entrepreneurs??  Big web success stories (eBay,
FaceBook, YouTube etc) were not created because a group of wise experts
decided they should  be created.

Janusz Lukasiak

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2008 09:49:08 UTC