Next Teleconference: January 5th 2009

Dear All,

let me start with my best wishes for 2009 to all of you.

Our next teleconference will take place monday
January 5th.
Details at

Any volunteer to scribe ?

Points to debate
Draft Agenda
- approval of last meeting minutes
( )

- review of action items

[NEW] ACTION: Stephane to schedule a presentation by adesina about a 
m-health project
[NEW] ACTION: raphael to send a summary of the project review in liberia
[NEW] ACTION: Lauri to send info about unesco project
[Pending] ACTION: Lauri to report on Nokia work in education cursus in
[Pending] ACTION: stephane to investigate how to get profile of people
from the group

- m-health project presentaiton [Adesina]
- discussion around roadmap work
based on
(please read this mail before the teleconference)

I remind people to connect to IRC.
I also remind people to read the documentation about how to be a cool

Particularly how to put yourself in the queue for speaking, to ease the

I will chair this teleconference.

See you on monday

Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Wednesday, 31 December 2008 08:59:41 UTC