Fwd: Impact Assessment of ICT4D Projects: New Online Guide

A good discussion and guide to impact assessment for ICT projects in
developing regions.

Subject: [wougnet] Impact Assessment of ICT4D Projects: New Online Guide
From:    "Richard Heeks" <richard.heeks@manchester.ac.uk>

A compendium of impact assessment frameworks for ICT4D projects is
now available online:

The compendium is a guide to how to choose and how to apply ICT4D
impact assessment methods.  It consists of three parts:

1. Overview: explains the basis for understanding impact assessment
of ICT4D projects (including the ICT4D value chain), and the
different assessment frameworks that can be used.

2. Frameworks: summarises a series of impact assessment frameworks,
each one drawing from a different perspective.

3. Bibliography: a tabular summary of real-world examples of ICT4D
impact assessment.

IDRC, the sponsor for the compendium, is providing access on a
creative commons basis, enabling the work to be freely shared and
adapted.  The compendium was a feed-in to the joint IDRC/Gates
Foundation IPAI project - a major five-year project on impact
assessment of public access to ICTs: http://www.ipairesearch.org/

The compendium is posted on the ICT4D blog to enable comments and
pointers to similar ICT4D IA materials.

To subscribe to the blog, visit: http://ict4dblog.wordpress.com/feed/

Richard Heeks
Director, Centre for Development Informatics
University of Manchester, UK
change mailing list

Received on Sunday, 7 December 2008 20:46:42 UTC