Re: new revision of MW4D focus diagram

   I agree that we should now move on from the framework document to the
core set of deliverables. Many of the issues we raised now can then be
discussed in detail.

To reconcile our current differences of opinion, I agree with Steph that
this can be a "working document" with a clear scope of what is on the ground
today (as explained by the focus doc) without making any claims of the
future and leaving room for including solutions based on alternative access
networks and devices as we progress.

To address the alternative solutions (based on other emerging
low-cost network and device options in the horizon), I suggest that we come
up with a "future alternatives roadmap" deliverable towards the end of our
working period.

For now, the focus doc, in my opinion can be a direct input to the framework


On 8/22/08, Stephane Boyera <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Ken and I worked on a new version of the MW4D core values diagram after the
> call last monday.
> The aim of this diagram, which is more a focus diagram, is to narrow the
> scope of the group for its first year operation, to be sure that at the end
> we will obtain some realistic but useful results and impact.
> As i stated a while ago, it is really important that we move on in a short
> time frame, and not waste too much time on this part. We hope to conclude
> this discussion for the next call, september 1st.
> Of course, this might evolve in the future while we are developing the core
> document of the group, but at least this is a starting point.
> With this new iteration, we tried to take into account most of the comments
> received.
> Best
> Stephane
> --
> Stephane Boyera
> W3C                             +33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
> BP 93                           fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
> F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,
> France

Received on Monday, 25 August 2008 07:00:01 UTC