Re: W3C Technical Plenary

On Aug 19, 2008, at 4:16 AM, wrote:

> If some people from the group are planning to come, i could surely  
> get a
> room for us to meet. If only few of us are going to be there, we could
> meet informally.
> I believe that meeting f2f is usually a great way to make quick  
> progress
> on some of the WG topics.

I agree
and I'll be there this time

if people who are part of MW4D can attend a face-to-face there
even if they are not from W3C member organizations
I'd bet we could make meeting happen
and a lot can be accomplished f2f

given there is decent bandwidth for us there
I feel certain we could work up something
to involve people who are not going to be in Europe then...
if nothing else
I could set up my laptop and a camera and a mic
along with a streaming-server reflector site
so we could generate a live audio/video stream
from such a meeting


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again
  and expecting different results."
- Albert Einstein -

Prof. Jeff Sonstein

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2008 11:22:57 UTC