Re: Determining MW4D Core Values

I started the 'semantic nitpicking' sub-thread, so I perhaps I should
explain my position now, having read your comments.

1.As to the point raised by one of the list members about providing
actual services (e.g.. banking) over a mobile: guilty as charged, I
forgot about it. But I stand by my statement that the phrase I
objected to ("lack access to health, education, banking, etc") can be
misinterpreted. OTOH I don't know how to make it more precise without
writing something lengthy & convoluted.  May be someone with a better
command of English could try (but see also my point 3).

2. As to stating, or not stating, the obvious, there are folks who
prefer the latter, and there are others...  It's not a major stumbling
block, in my mind at least.

3. My last point, which probably should be the first, is that if the
'Core Values' document is meant for this group's internal use, the
(over)precise wording is probably not necessary, as I think we now all
agree on the intended meaning.  The problem is that anything published
on this list is, for better or for worse, in the public domain, and
anyone can use it for misinterpreting our work or workplan. 

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 19:19:49 UTC