Re: Determining MW4D Core Values

Hi Joe,
What you are saying makes complete sense to me.
My summary

- the group is aiming at making a kind of state of the art that should 
be helpful for potential service providers. They would have a kind of 
handbook knowing what is possible today, with strengths, weakness and 
domain of applicability.
So one of the ouput is for service providers

- the second type of output is what i call a roadmap: identifying 
existing challenges that would need to be tackled in hte futur that 
would help creating an enabling environment. e.g. educaiton courses, 
specific software,...
This roadmap is intended for organizations/initiatives/groups that would 
be interested to tackle them. W3C is one of them, but i'm sure there 
will be things not relevant to W3C (like e.g. developing software)

- concerning the framework document itself, which is not the document 
that will host the group work, it should be a kind of brochure of the 
group to raise awreness of our objectives and leverage participations 
from the targeted audience above-mentionned.

So yes it might make sense to integrate the distinction.

joe michiels a écrit :
> Ken (and all),
> Long time reader first time writer. I've been catching up on the 
> previous minutes and hope to join this monday's call. In the meantime I 
> have this general feedback on the framework document. Please excuse me 
> if I restate feedback that's previously been discussed.
> Basically, I'm getting hung up on "Audience" as a confusing term. The 
> target underserved communities that would benefit from ICT are 
> relatively clear, but should we also state the target audience for the 
> output of MW4D's output/findings? Who is the overall framework/roadmap 
> intended for (besides members of the group)? The audience for this 
> initiative seems to also include W3C and non-W3C groups, other 
> initiatives, as well as the "providers". I've seen this discussed 
> elsewhere in the wiki, but it seems like a fundamental issue when 
> stating the group's values/goals. So I'd suggest a "focused population 
> segment" (or something less wordy) of "underserved communities" as you 
> have stated in the pdf, and then a separately stated target "audience" 
> who are those that we are trying to /directly /reach out to.
> Is this too nit-picky on semantics? I always want to make sure any goals 
> state who we're trying to talk _to_, not just what we're talking 
> _about_/./ Anyways, looking forward to participating more,
> -Joe Michiels
> <>
> Graduate Student - Foster School of Business (UW) 
> Seattle, WA  
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Ken Banks, 
> <> < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Dear Group
>     Following our various teleconference discussions and email threads
>     dealing with the wide range of issues and decisions facing the
>     Group, Stephane and I felt that it might help move things along if
>     we developed a simple framework for the Group to work to. We intend
>     this document to outline key, core values as we move forward, and to
>     outline the parameters of our work.
>     The document sets out to define technology choices, devices,
>     audience, providers and connectivity, and to set a working
>     definition for "mobile web".
>     It is essential that we agree on a set of core values to avoid the
>     Group running off in different directions. The basic essence is this
>     – to work with what's available TODAY.
>     Comments are welcome in advance of the next teleconference on
>     Monday, where we will set an Agenda item to discuss it in more detail.
>     Many thanks.
>     *Ken Banks*
>     *Founder, <>*
>     */"Where technology meets anthropology, conservation and development"/*
>     *Web*: <>

Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 07:41:57 UTC