Co-chair meeting minutes: October 24, 2024 [via Music Notation Community Group]


Pull request #355, which adds basic support for lyrics, has been merged, closing issue #354. As discussed in the previous co-chair meeting, the type of lyric is encoded with an enumeration, and the "lyric line" object has been renamed to "event lyric line" to make its purpose clearer.

Next, we're going to tackle the top-level structure for the document that defines the lines of lyrics that are used in the document (which will probably be called "lyric line", now that we have freed up this term). This needs to include metadata like a unique ID, order, language, placement, and possibly other things, though probably not style/presentation data.

Vale: Don Byrd

The co-chairs are sad to learn of the passing of Donald "Don" Byrd, who died aged 78 this past Tuesday, 22 October after a short illness. Don has played an important part in the development of music notation software, standards, and representations. His early music printing program SMUT was used to produce the music examples for Douglas Hofstadter's 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, and in the 1980s, he developed Nightingale for the Apple Macintosh. He was involved in the development of the NIFF format in the 1990s, and has done invaluable work in the field of Optical Music Recognition.

Next meeting

The next co-chair meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 5 November 2024.


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'Co-chair meeting minutes: October 24, 2024'

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Received on Friday, 25 October 2024 15:44:07 UTC