Co-chair meeting minutes: January 11, 2024 [via Music Notation Community Group]


Adrian has merged pull request #319 regarding the automatic JSON schema. Myke suggested changing the indentation to two spaces, which Adrian has also done. Adrian is working on a further refinement to include the allowed enumeration values for data types in the JSON schema (issue #321), but this requires some additional work on the doc generator tool, so this is ongoing.

We have closed issue #308 from Paul Overell for the creation of the JSON schema, with grateful thanks to Paul for all his work on this issue.

Adrian has also made a pass through the JSON key names and has made the use of the term "staff" consistent; previously we had a mixture of "stave" and "staff". We will standardise on "staff" singular and "staves" plural, as this matches common usage.

We also briefly discussed implementing articulations (issue #103), and Adrian will work on a proposal that uses the same basic types as MusicXML for community review as soon as possible.

Next meeting

The next co-chairs' meeting is scheduled for Thursday 25 January.


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'Co-chair meeting minutes: January 11, 2024'

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Received on Thursday, 11 January 2024 17:12:04 UTC