Co-chair meeting minutes: December 5, 2024 [via Music Notation Community Group]


Adrian has merged the pull request for lyric line global metadata (#359).

We spent some more time discussing the issue of how to map out the remaining areas of the specification that still need to be written, and which parts of the specification we can consider safe for implementation in their current state. We will have more to share in the New Year.


There are two interesting areas of discussion that Myke wants to bring to the attention of the community:

Firstly, issue #565 discusses how support for MIDI 2.0 could be added to a future version of MusicXML in a backwards-compatible way.

Secondly, a report of inconsistencies in one of the sample documents hosted on, which are still the property of MakeMusic rather than of the CG, has broadened into a discussion about what kinds of sample documents we might want to develop in future. Please visit issue #568 to read more.

We welcome feedback from the community about these issues.

Next meeting

The next co-chairs' meeting is scheduled for Thursday 2 January 2025.


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'Co-chair meeting minutes: December 5, 2024'

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Received on Thursday, 5 December 2024 22:19:48 UTC