Co-chair meeting minutes: August 15, 2024 [via Music Notation Community Group]


Adrian has renamed the octave-shift object as ottava; in addition to renaming the object, the value describing the number of octaves shifted has now been specified, and the example MNX document has been updated accordingly. This was the last of the object names that needed to be renamed to eliminate kebab case, and as such Adrian has closed issue #344.

The MNX converter has also been updated to handle the updated ottava object.

Adrian has also made some changes to the doc generator tool: issue #351 was raised by Myke and involved renaming some items. In the unlikely event that any community members have a local checkout of the doc generator tool, please note that you will need to regenerate your local database as a result of these changes. The aim of these changes is to make the tool easier to understand for newcomers; there is now only one directory called docgenerator and the directory formerly known as spec is now more aptly named spectools. Myke has also raised issues #349 and #350, which involve some practical issues to improve the experience of working with these tools, and Adrian has been thinking about changes in this area, but further discussion is needed.

We also discussed the possibility of moving the doc generator tool into its own repository to make it easier to work with for the MusicXML specification. Adrian is going to contact the team at W3C to ask them if they can help us set up a new repository for this purpose.


Myke has begun the process of creating a new version of the MusicXML specification for version 4.1, and has moved to the draft CLA for the new version. This work has spurred some of the discussion concerning the doc generator tool, and Adrian's work will help Myke in the development of the spec.

Myke will continue to develop the workflow for beginning to specify the changes for version 4.1.

Next meeting

The next co-chairs' meeting is scheduled for Thursday 29 August 2024.


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'Co-chair meeting minutes: August 15, 2024'

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Received on Thursday, 15 August 2024 18:50:27 UTC