- From: W3C Community Development Team <team-community-process@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2023 17:05:22 +0000
- To: public-music-notation@w3.org
Change of co-chair This was the final co-chair meeting for Michael (Good), who is leaving his position as co-chair today as he prepares to retire this week. New co-chair Michael Scott Cuthbert has been joining our meetings for the past two or three iterations in any case, so going forward the three co-chairs will be Daniel, Adrian, and Myke. We thank Michael for all of his contributions to the community group, and of course his broader contributions to the field of music notation over the past two decades. He will be missed, though he will remain a member of the Community Group and we know he is looking forward to contributing to the group's activities in his retirement. Meeting at MOLA Conference in Berlin, Friday 2 June 2023 We are pleased to announce that plans are moving ahead for the W3C Music Notation Community Group to hold an in-person meeting on Friday 2 June 2023 as part of a new technology-focused day immediately preceding the 41st Annual MOLA Conference, to be hosted by the Berlin Philharmonic (2–5 June 2023). The Tech Fair, to be held at the Hanns Eisler School of Music, will be an opportunity for technology-focused presentations, potentially including from organisations and companies that are members of the Community Group. If you would be interested in participating in the Tech Fair, please contact the chair of the MOLA Technology Committee, Mark Fabulich, and Amy Tackitt, MOLA's Administrator. Mark can be reached at mfabulich at bso dot org, while Amy can be reached at amytackitt at aol dot com (please excuse the simple obfuscation of the email addresses; this is to avoid them being too easily picked up by scrapers and bots). The current expectation is that the W3C Music Notation Community Group meeting will take place at the conclusion of the Tech Fair schedule, at 3.30pm Berlin time (2.30pm London time, 9.30am New York Time, 6.30am Los Angeles time). We encourage as many CG members as possible to plan to attend in person, but we are also planning to provide online access to the meeting if possible. More details will be forthcoming in due course. MNX The co-chairs have been discussing a significant proposal about which Adrian will provide more information in a separate blog post soon – keep your eyes open for that. Adrian also reported that he has yet to complete the work on modifying the specification to work through the implications of the change to using sounding pitch rather than written pitch throughout MNX, but is planning to work on this very soon. MusicXML Myke has raised issue #478 concerning the measure attribute for the rest element, and what it means for irregular cases such as pick-up bars. Michael provided an initial comment that the intention is that the type element is controlling for what gets displayed, but will look into this a bit further and add a comment to the issue. Any further feedback on this issue from other implementors of MusicXML would be welcome. Next meeting The next co-chairs' meeting will be on Wednesday 18 January 2023. ---------- This post sent on Music Notation Community Group 'Co-chair meeting minutes: January 3, 2023' https://www.w3.org/community/music-notation/2023/01/03/co-chair-meeting-minutes-january-3-2023/ Learn more about the Music Notation Community Group: https://www.w3.org/community/music-notation
Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2023 17:05:24 UTC