Co-chair meeting minutes: March 15, 2022 [via Music Notation Community Group]

In-person Community Group meetings

It was recently announced that Musikmesse 2022, which had been scheduled for 29 April–1 May 2022, has been cancelled, and the B2B part of the fair has been cancelled permanently. The co-chairs are considering some alternative events and conferences that might possibly be a future home for our in-person meetings in Europe:

Open source: FOSDEM, normally in Brussels in February

W3C: TPAC, which rotates around the world, and in 2022 is expected to be in Vancouver, Canada, and it's not clear when it will next be in Europe

Consumer-facing: Musik Park in Leipzig, Austria in June; Musik Austria in Ried im Innkreis, Austria in May.

Academic: Music Encoding Conference in May, this year in Canada; TENOR in May, this year in Marseille, France; ISMIR in November or December, this year in India.

Music librarians: MOLA Conference in June, this year in Philadelphia, USA; in Berlin, Germany in 2023 

Book fairs: Frankfurt Book Fair in October; London Book Fair in April

We could also consider meeting at IRCAM in Paris, or at Steinberg's headquarters in Hamburg.

We welcome any further suggestions of events, conferences or organisations that could host our in-person meetings, and feedback on whether any of the above would be preferable.


Adrian has created pull request #282 to cover the proposal for styling attributes in issue #263, and welcomes feedback. Adrian has written a synopsis in the pull request itself as an introduction, and invites the community to digest the pull request and provide further feedback.

Adrian will next turn his attention to developing a proposal for how to handle the differences between full scores and instrumental parts, for issue #34.


Daniel has started some initial work on SMuFL 1.5, with the intention of producing a new revision of the specification by the end of 2022. He has created a SMuFL 1.5 milestone on GitHub and has reviewed all of the existing open issues, assigning 30 of the 48 open issues to that milestone for consideration and potentially implementation. An updated set of labels has also been added, and these labels have been applied to the existing issues.

Daniel has also decided to use mdBook instead of GitBook to produce future versions of the specification, and the current editor's draft is now using the new mdBook output. mdBook is more lightweight than GitBook, has a better author-test-publish workflow than GitBook, and produces output with a better user experience, including enhanced search.

One of the issues that we hope to address in the next revision is #214, to provide translations for the human-readable names in the glyphnames.json and ranges.json SMuFL metadata files. The co-chairs are currently evaluating a pair of online translation management tools (Transifex and POEditor), both of which provide a free service to open source projects.

We have also enabled the GitHub Discussions area for any questions about how to use SMuFL, announcements about any new software that implements SMuFL support, and so on. Please feel free to make use of this new discussion platform.

If you have any issues that you would like to be considered for inclusion in SMuFL 1.5, please ensure they have been raised on GitHub as soon as possible so that we can start to bring the scope of the new version into focus.

Next meeting

The next co-chairs' meeting will be on Tuesday 29 March 2022.


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Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2022 17:05:38 UTC