Re: Combining staff positions (additional range?)

For what it’s worth:

I’d like to add “The Guido Project” to the list which falls in the category described by Daniel (Open Source, running for 10+ years, C++, stable and www ready, run by a public research institution). They are working on SmuFL integration: <> <>

DISCLAIMER: It is NOT my project! :) But we happily use and contribute to the project.

Arshia Cont

> On 2 Mar 2021, at 11:21, Daniel Spreadbury <> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Both Vexflow and Verovio are now pretty mature technologies for representing and rendering music in the browser. Both are released under open source licenses that mean that even if the original and/or current maintainers of the respective projects cease to maintain them, the source code will remain available such that the software could be picked up and modified by others.
> Both are written in widely-understood languages (C++ for Verovio, Javascript for Vexflow) that mean there should be no shortage of people with the skills necessary to build on the current code if that becomes necessary, and both make use of web standards that are likely to be stably supported by the common web browsers for years to come.
> So I think from the point of view of maintainability and stability, either one would be a good choice. You can probably afford to make your decision purely on the basis of which one has the closest match to the functionality you are looking for.
> Just my tuppence worth…
> Daniel
> From: Lombardi, Paul M < <>>
> Date: Tuesday, 2 March 2021 at 03:04
> To: Daniel Spreadbury < <>>, Freeman Gilmore < <>>, Glenn Linderman < <>>
> Cc: <> < <>>
> Subject: RE: Combining staff positions (additional range?)
> Hello! I don’t post here often, but I do follow, and I apologize for replying to an old post.
> I teach online music theory classes, and I am moving more of my content from pdf to html5/javascript using svg for music notation. I’m looking at Vexflow, and I like it. I have two questions:
> Would one recommend Vexflow over Verovio?
> Will the technology be sustainable for a decade?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Paul Lombardi, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Music Theory and Composition
> University of South Dakota
> From: Daniel Spreadbury < <>> 
> Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2021 4:30 PM
> To: Freeman Gilmore < <>>; Glenn Linderman < <>>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: Combining staff positions (additional range?)
> Hi all, and Happy New Year to all CG members.
> The goal of Bravura Text (and of SMuFL text-centric fonts more generally) is not really to permit the creation of completely arbitrary notation using strings of Unicode code points. As Glenn points out, really the idea is to be able to do simple musical examples (c.f. the Bach musicological font), but primarily it’s to have common musical symbols available in a font with metrics compatible with regular text fonts, so that you can easily add them without then experiencing massive changes in line height/leading.
> If you want to create arbitrary notation on the web, I’d suggest using one of the existing libraries for drawing music notation in web pages, e.g. Vexflow or Verovio.
> Daniel
> From: Freeman Gilmore < <>>
> Date: Thursday, 31 December 2020 at 06:04
> To: Glenn Linderman < <>>
> Cc: <> < <>>
> Subject: Re: Combining staff positions (additional range?)
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 11:53 PM Glenn Linderman < <>> wrote:
> On 12/30/2020 8:45 PM, Daniel Leeman wrote:
> Let's say I am a tuba player and I want to play my low Bb (Bb1), or a flute player and I want to play a D6.
> These notes are considered part of the core range of the instruments and are not written as 8va or 8vb.
> It appears to me that there is no way to express these pitches with SMuFL/Bravura Text in a text editor, is that correct? I tried to combine multiple staff position characters together with no success: Combining staff positions (U+EB90–U+EB9F)
> Forgive me, as a new member of the community, is using a font like Bravura Text in a web page (not a music notation program) a goal of the technology? I love the potential of it: creating small components to natively display notation on a website. But perhaps I am alone in my endeavors as the primary goal is focused solely around notation programs. I'd love to learn more!
> It seems that Bravura Text is really only meant for toy examples in text editors/word processors. For complete notation, Bravura and some software to do line drawing is required.
> Not sure why  line drawing.   It is not a toy in my opinion it will print the staff.   Is that the line you are talking about?
> In a browser, it is pretty straightfoward to bundle small components using Bravura and SVG, and deploy them on an SVG drawn staff as appropriate.
> Glenn
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Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2021 11:45:50 UTC