I have called fretboard diagrams "chord diagrams" in this document and
described them p.41.
Can you tell me if I missed anything?
Maybe you will also be interested in the fingering characters p.53.
Best regards,
On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 12:10 PM Enrico Dell'Aquila <info@edellaquila.it>
> Hello,
> quite a newbie in the field, and before making any move I wonder if this
> proposal could include a set of characters to build a string instrument
> fretboard diagrams with strings, dots, frets, fret makers, numbers, note
> names, etc
> I have some suggestions, but I'm not sure they fit the purposes of this
> document.
> regards
> Enrico Dell'Aquila
> Il giorno 1 set 2020, alle ore 01:46, Bertrand Émerit <bertrand@emerit.com>
> ha scritto:
> Dear ladies and gentlemen,
> On September 30th I plan to submit the attached proposal to the Unicode
> Consortium.
> Unless you ask differently, I intend to Cc you of the mail, while making
> plain in the body that this is for your information, as you are mentioned
> in the document, and in no way an endorsement.
> I will be honoured for any review or comment of the documents. Feel free
> to forward as needed, and I would appreciate that you inform me if you
> forward outside your organization.
> The proposal should fit nicely if not enrich (and certainly not make a
> dent in, or replace) your current works, including SMuFL, MusicXML and MEI.
> Best regards,
> Bertrand EMERIT
> +33672966996
> bertrand@emerit.com
> <Annex A - Example Encoding.txt>
> <Proposal for encoding CMN in Unicode.pdf>
> <14232-n4502-form-1.doc>
> <Annex A - Example Encoding.xlsx>