- From: W3C Community Development Team <team-community-process@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 26 May 2020 16:22:25 +0000
- To: public-music-notation@w3.org
MusicXML 4.0 MIchael has completed the first pull request (#315) for MusicXML 4.0, updating version. Issue #291 is currently in progress. Michael's plan is to start with some of the Documentation issues before progressing to the more substantive issues. The co-chairs also reiterate that anybody who wishes to contibute to the project, whether it is in the form of participating in discussions on issues but more critically when working on pull requests, must join the Community Group and agree to the terms of the W3C Contributor License Agreement. If you do not join the group and agree to the CLA, we cannot accept your contributions. MNX-Common Adrian has been working on a proposal for repeat barlines and markers to address issue #174. The co-chairs had a discussion about the approach we might take in MNX-Common to encode repeat barlines, repeat endings, and coda/segno markings. Adrian will proceed along the lines of taking the attributes that are part of the barline and sound elements in MusicXML and consider how they might best fit into the existing structure of MNX-Common, perhaps in a new jump element. Adrian will work on the proposal in the coming weeks and will have something to share with the community soon. Next meeting The next co-chair meeting will take place on Tuesday 9 June 2020. ---------- This post sent on Music Notation Community Group 'Co-chair Meeting Minutes: May 26, 2020' https://www.w3.org/community/music-notation/2020/05/26/co-chair-meeting-minutes-may-26-2020/ Learn more about the Music Notation Community Group: https://www.w3.org/community/music-notation
Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 16:22:27 UTC