arrow heads as accidentals

Several microtonal notation systems use arrow heads (looking like ^, v, 
 >, <) as accidentals. These include:

- Up/Down notation, which is more or less the standard notation in 22EDO 
and 31EDO, but also used elsewhere. Lacking ^ and v ("up" and "down") 
users often resort to other symbols, however.
- Porcupine notation, which also uses ^ and v.
- Helmholtz/Ellis/Wolf/Monzo (HEWM) notation, which uses all four arrow 
heads (hence, including "more" and "less" in addition to "up" and 
"down") as well a many other symbols.

The addition of "up" and "down" (^ and v) accidentals to SMuFL is sorely 
needed, but it seems silly to not add right/more and left/less at the 
same time. Given that the latter two don't have standardized names, I 
propose to call those "more" and "less", respectively.

Neither size and shape of these symbols is standardized (because users 
have to resort to various tricks to get anything resembling them), but 
in all cases they are intended to have the same size as a note head.

In case of Up/Down notation and HEWM notation (but not Porcupine 
Notation), arrow heads are used on their own and in combination with 
other accidentals.

I'm not sure where exactly these four new accidentals should be added, 
but "Other accidentals" seems the most obvious location.


Lajos Brons

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2020 16:48:14 UTC