Bravura Text as web font


I am a beginner with SMuFL and am trying to use Bravura Text in a web

I was initially having issues with the ligatures in the WOFF version. I
have now switched to the OTF.

However, when I try to include accidentals with a pitch outside of the
staff, they horizontally collide.

[image: BravuraTextAccidental.png]

When I use a text application like WordPad, the horizontal spacing works as
expected but the note is vertically cropped.
[image: BravuraTextAccidentalWordPad.PNG]
E01A E050 E01A EB96 E262 EB96 E022 EB96 E0A2

I'm not sure if I'm not using the vertical characters incorrectly, if there
is a mechanism to control horizontal spacing, or if I'm unaware of
something else.

Thank you

Received on Tuesday, 29 December 2020 20:02:13 UTC