Re: Co-chair Meeting Minutes: April 14, 2020 [via Music Notation Community Group]

On 4/15/2020 3:42 AM, Erik Ronström wrote:
> The reason is that this enables me to capture mouse events on the actual glyph, rather than just the bounding box, which is generally way too high.

I agree that it would be nice if the bounding box in a browser regarded 
the actual size of the individual glyphs, rather than using the overall 
font metrics for such.  While I'm sure that in general the browsers use 
the font metrics rather than glyph metrics for performance reasions, it 
would be nice if there were a way to tell them otherwise.

This, however, is browser issue, not a font format issue.

I believe I have read about the existence of tools to extract glyph 
curves from other font formats, although perhaps that is easier with SVG 
fonts. Google turns up quite a few hits in that regard, I'm not sure if 
any of them work in a browser, but there are python packages that sound 
like they can do extraction of curves from any font.

Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 18:47:55 UTC