MMRP19 submission deadline extension

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Following a number of requests, we are extending the submission deadline for
the First International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and
Processing (MMRP19).


    ** Abstract submission deadline (Extended): 2 December 2018 **

    ** Full-paper submission deadline (Extended): 9 December 2018 **


The Call for Contributions in included below. For more information, see:



On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Luca A. Ludovico





Call for contributions


First International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and
Processing (MMRP19) Department of Computer Science, University of Milan,
24-25 January 2019  <>


The MMRP Workshop is organized by the Laboratory of Music Informatics (LIM),
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Milan.

We are pleased to confirm that the workshop Proceedings will be published by
the IEEE Conference Publishing Services (IEEE CPS), will be made available
on IEEE Xplore, and will be included on major indexing systems.

Updated information about paper submission and about registration is now
available on the MMRP19 website.


The workshop is held in conjunction with the kick-off of the IEEE Working
Group (WG) for XML Musical Application. Ten years after the release of the
IEEE 1599 Standard for music representation, the WG will work at updating
and extending the standard to provide a multilayered meta-representation of
music information, achieving integration among general (metadata),
structural, notational, computer-driven performance, and audio layers.


We are soliciting original submissions for oral and poster/demo
presentations examining all facets of the workshop theme. We welcome in
particular scientific contributions on novel approaches to bridge the gap
between different layers of music representation and generate multilayer
music contents, as well as related application domains. These include (but
are not limited to):

- Computational Musicology

- Intangible Cultural Heritage

- Machine Learning and Understanding of Music

- Multilayer representation models

- Music Libraries and Archives

- Music Signal Processing

- Music Training and Education

- Optical Music Recognition

- Representations of Music

- Score-informed Transcription

- Structural Segmentation of Music

- Symbolic Music Processing

- Synchronization of Score, MIDI, and Audio

- XML for Music Applications


Important dates

- Abstract submission: November 25, 2018

- Full-paper submission: December 02, 2018

- Notification to authors: December 23, 2018

- Camera-ready submission: January 11, 2019



Received on Sunday, 25 November 2018 14:29:21 UTC