Re: MNX Proposal now Available [via Music Notation Community Group]

> 1. I think this issue relates back to a previous post by someone who
> mentioned whether CSS should be included as part of the MNX proposal...As
> this is explicitly is a 'Markup' language - it is about presentation and
> contains view information - not necessarily semantic markup (although I
> appreciate it can).  But as such, since bar lines (and any other visual
> ways to represent pitch / duration) are specific in a score, that visual
> representation should also be explicit in the markup representing it and
> not implicitly renderer by the importer (as Adrian has highlighted)..

I agree, as outlined in my previous email.

> Having said that - the proposal does say "MNX is a proposed music
> notation markup standard. Its aim is to improve MusicXML in fundamental
> ways, while retaining many of its key concepts, terms and features."
>  Therefore, is there a need to separate out whether MNX is aimed to improve
> MusicXML or to replace it entirely as a machine-readable / data interchange
> format and contain display logic...

This has been discussed, but it's worth revisiting.

The answer is: all of the above! MNX aims to replace MusicXML entirely,
while improving it in fundamental ways and retaining many key concepts,
terms and features.

In the long run, we want to wind up with one standard.


Received on Thursday, 30 March 2017 17:52:48 UTC