Looking Ahead to 2017 [via Music Notation Community Group]

We hope that you have all had a happy holiday season and new year. Our progress
at the W3C Music Notation Community Group was not quite as fast during the
second half of 2016 as we had hoped, but we expect to pick up the pace in 2017.

Our first order of business is to finish the incremental releases of MusicXML
3.1 and SMuFL 1.2. Our new goal is to deliver these by the end of the first
quarter of 2017.

We have made a lot of progress on MusicXML 3.1 in recent months. For the issues
currently listed as in scope for version 3.1, 35 are closed and 21 are still
open. With consistent focus on moving forward, it seems reasonable to be able to
finish this within the next three months.

SMuFL 1.2 is largely complete. The main outstanding issue there would be the
possibility of bringing the Kahnotation symbols for tap dance into SMuFL 1.2.

While Michael focuses on finishing MusicXML 3.1 and Daniel focuses on finishing
SMuFL 1.2, Joe plans to focus on the MNX proposal for the next generation of
music notation encoding. This work plans to start in February so that there are
concrete proposals for the community to discuss at Musikmesse in April.

Several people have asked about a Community Group meeting at the NAMM show in
Anaheim later this month. We have not scheduled a formal meeting for two main
reasons: 1) we don’t have a lot of agenda items that seem to require a
face-to-face meeting at this time, and 2) our Musikmesse meetings have been much
better attended than our NAMM meetings.

However, it would be great to have an informal meet-up during the show. We have
planned for dinner on Friday, January 20 at 7:30 pm. This will be at Thai Nakorn
in Garden Grove. Michael and Daniel both plan to attend. Let us know if you plan
to be there too.

We would plan our next formal meeting to be at Musikmesse in Frankfurt, where we
could discuss some concrete proposals for MNX. We hope that we can have the same
venue as in previous years, and similarly schedule it for Friday afternoon,
April 7. If any company is interested in sponsoring the reception after the
meeting, please let us know.

Thank you for your continued interest in the W3C Music Notation Community Group.
We look forward to working together with you in the coming year.

Michael Good, Joe Berkovitz, and Daniel Spreadbury
W3C Music Notation Community Group Co-Chairs


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'Looking Ahead to 2017'


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Received on Monday, 9 January 2017 17:04:15 UTC