Just to note that abc->SVG already exists, as well.
On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Joe Berkovitz <joe@noteflight.com> wrote:
> Hi James,
> This proposal is not new, and the chair's previous invitation to any
> interested subgroup stands. It's fine if a subgroup of people want to
> develop a clearer notion of how SVG might be annotated with musical
> semantic and performance data.
> However, I must echo Jeremy's feelings on the issues. I do not believe
> this approach will address most of the use cases that we've already
> catalogued. It only "future-proofs" the graphical angle of music
> representation, and will yield documents that are visually rigid and merely
> reflect a specific, original graphical rendering. This defect is a big
> problem for CMN use cases, and in general I believe it's true for any
> notational idiom whose rules are sufficiently abstract to permit many
> possible visual realizations.
> Now, there *are* clear advantages to connecting the markup representing *a
> specific SVG rendering* of a musical document back to the semantics that
> generated it. But the fact that Verovio, or Noteflight, or other notation
> rendering systems actually produce such annotated SVG does not, in itself,
> argue in favor of adopting SVG as a central construct for music
> representation. Nor does it argue specifically for MEI, MusicXML 3.0, or
> any of the existing semantic formats that produce such annotations tody. It
> merely says: there's value in being able to map a given rendering to
> elements of its original document (and perhaps this is a more attainable
> and worthwhile goal of the concept). Given the fact that notational
> semantics are inherently non-tree-structured, I doubt that it is easy to
> make the rendering include all the original information, though.
> Best,
> ...Joe
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