Early testing of mup <-> MusicXML conversion software

(Since I no longer know of a discussion list specifically for MusicXML, I'm
posting this on the w3 music notation list.  If there's a better place,
please let me know.)

Dear fellow users of MusicXML and/or mup,

I would like to solicit score files for very early testing of my esconvert
software that will eventually convert between mup and MusicXML formats (as
well as possibly some others in the future).

The test submission window opens now (November 25, 2015) and will stay open
until I've received at least 20 submissions.  To submit your files, please
e-mail them to esconvert@major2nd.com before midnight Friday.  I will not
disclose anything you send me to anyone else, will keep it behind a
firewall, and will delete it when I am done using it for testing.

If you are sending a mup score that "includes" other files (other than those
distributed with mup, such as quarterstep_accs), please package all the
files in a .zip or .tar.gz archive.  If you invoke mup with any command line
switches, please include those in the "Subject" of the e-mail.

If you submit more than one score, please send each one in a separate

I'll reply to everyone who submits files to let you know what happened.

There are, of course, many mup and MusicXML files freely available on the
Web (e.g., at cpdl.org and imslp.org), but many of them are older, and I'd
like to have scores that are of interest to people right now.

The esconvert code will eventually be free to download, use, and/or modify,
and to redistribute at least non-commercially.  I haven't decided yet
whether to use an Open Source license, the SIL license, the BSD license, or
some other very permissive license.  But I'm quite far from having anything
I'd feel good about distributing.  If you're interested in looking at it,
let me know: it's about 90Kl of JavaScript code, of which about 1/3 is
generic libraries.

		Thanks -

						L Peter Deutsch

Received on Thursday, 26 November 2015 01:12:38 UTC