Foto Request for Article in StadtRevue Cologne

Hi there,

I'm writing a feature about music notation on the web for the
StadtRevue, a monthly city magazine in cologne (print, not online). I
wonder if you have any free pictures I could use for my article, e.g.
the foto you used in the announcement of the Music Notation Group (with
Joe Berkovitz, Michael Good, and Daniel Spreadbury at MusicXML Community
Meeting, Musikmesse 2015). That would be great.

Best wishes,
Frank Christian Stoffel

Frank Christian Stoffel
Krefelder Wall 44
50670 Köln

T. 0221 / 16818109
M. 0176 / 38650969

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Received on Monday, 10 August 2015 06:50:13 UTC