Re: Strings Clef

Many thanks for this suggestion, Jawher. Would you please be so kind as to open an issue in the SMuFL repository here:

If you’re able to provide some citations for the use of this clef in published music, or failing that the text/book/paper in which the clef was first proposed, that would also be ideal.


From: Jawher Matmati <>
Date: Monday, 29 May 2023 at 16:40
To: <>
Subject: Strings Clef
Dear all,

I suggest adding the attached glyph for “strings clef”. It is very common in contemporary music literature to indicate on each space of the staff the string that has to be played.

The advantages of this clef are :

1) It keeps the staff-line count to 5 and exploits the 4 spaces within. Which looks better than shifting from the traditional 5-line staff to a 4-line staff in string parts.

2) It is often used in “behind the bridge” contexts, (undefined pitch).

3) In behind the bridge bariolage contexts it helps keep the bariolage's contour information better than indicating a string number as a technique text each time.

4) It helps save vertical space as it contracts the contour of 5ths (and 4ths for the doublebass).

5) It is economic and straightforward.

Example :


Best regards,
Jawher Matmati

Product Marketing Manager
Phone: +44 20 3696 1811

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Received on Monday, 29 May 2023 21:27:19 UTC