Ottava clef request

I am requesting an alternative version of the ottava clefs that is used by some composers, beginning with Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji. Instead of an 8 above a treble clef, for example, it is followed by Î (the Roman numeral 1 with an upwards-pointing caret, to indicate up one octave). For two octaves, it's ÎI, and for down an octave the caret is at the bottom and pointing downwards. (The same can be done for two octaves, but I don't know if Sorabji ever used that)
Here are examples: (Sorabji, Opus Clavicembalisticum) (Michael Finnissy, English Country Tunes)
Note that the way that the Î transpositions can be added in the middle of the line might not be the easiest to add, and I think just making new alternative 8va symbols of the clef attached to the Î is fine.
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Received on Monday, 2 May 2022 07:33:29 UTC